The other day, someone asked me which of my books was my favorite. That’s a little like asking a parent to pick their favorite child, but if you put a gun to my head, I’d probably say Viral. It was …
≡The other day, someone asked me which of my books was my favorite. That’s a little like asking a parent to pick their favorite child, but if you put a gun to my head, I’d probably say Viral. It was …
I am not dead. You may have gotten the impression that I am dead, given that I haven’t posted any news since [checks calendar] … oh, man. That is a loooong time. But better months of neglect than spamming you …
For its initial release, my Janus Group series was exclusive to Amazon. So if you read your books on something other than a Kindle and you’ve been waiting to pick up the series on iTunes, Nook, Google, Kobo, etc. etc. …
He escaped from Oz. He escaped from Olympus. Now Falken’s going back into Oz … because Weaver never made it out. As I was writing Escape from Oz, I always had it in the back of my mind that it would …
Escape from Olympus is out now! The sequel to Escape from Oz is a rip-roaring survival adventure thriller. Falken’s a safari guide now, and he’ll have to keep a bunch of tourists alive while being hunted by a pack of …
Very excited to announce that Escape from Oz is now live! Just in time for Mother’s Day, this heartwarming tale of a convicted murderer … hmm. So maybe not the perfect gift for your Mom, unless she’s a huge sci …
The Army loves acronyms. If you can figure out how to shorten something complicated to say, you do it – seconds can mean a lot when you’re on the radio during a mission. And if you can make it sound …
It’s been a ton of fun following Rath and his pals through the Janus Group series…but all good things must end. With pride and some bittersweet feelings, I’m excited to announce the publication of Rath’s Redemption, which brings Rath’s saga to …
I’ve always been a fan of short stories. Like many authors, I cut my proverbial teeth on short fiction, which really forces you to hone your story down to just its most crucial elements. All of the wheat, none of …
If you buy your ebooks on Apple, Nook, Kobo, Google … or anywhere other than Amazon, you may be thinking that that store seems to be missing some of my titles. Yes – it is. And my apologies for that …